Sunday 30 April 2017


Trying to keep track of Donald Trump's mind is one of the great challenges of the year, and probably for the next four years - or even eight years, heaven help us. Most intelligent-thinking people might say: "Have no truck with that Kim Jong-un, don't even consider inviting him for a one-to-one chat". But Trump has held out the olive branch, saying it's not out of the question. Kim and Trump in the same room, shaking hands?! Surely not. This guy with the funny hairstyle (Kim, not Trump) has threatened thermo-nuclear war, and has liquidated opponents or aides he just stopped trusting or liking, sometimes getting his assassins to kill them with an anti-aircraft gun!!! Or so the South Korean intelligence people tell us. It would be like Churchill having tea with Hitler and discussing the various merits of trying to be a nice human being for a change. Can you imagine Trump making a statement after meeting Kim in, say, Honolulu, and spelling out how he had had frank and wide-ranging discussions with Mr Kim. Trump has said he believes Kim is a "smart cookie". Why? Because he has managed to maintain power at a tender age against all the hard-faced, much older military types who clap whenever they see him but probably would like to give him a good spanking. Dear Mr Trump, your smart cookie opponent in Pyongyang has stayed in power because he keeps on killing anyone who so much as raises an eyebrow. Is Kim sane, Trump keeps on being asked in interviews. He says he doesn't know because he hasn't met him (YET). Then he says Kim is a smart cookie! In other words, he can't be insane because he is a smart cookie? It's all very difficult to unravel. Trump's choice of words and phrases just causes more and more confusion. And now, for heaven's sake he wants to invite President "kill all drug traffickers and users" Duterte to Washington. The Philippines leader has got his police to kill so many people extra-judiciously that the country's prime coffin-makers must now be millionaires. Reminds me of the old coffin maker in Clint Eastwood's "A Fistful of Dollars". Clint was killing so many baddies the old boy could hardly keep up with the requests for coffins. Duterte isn't threatening thermo-nuclear war, but he's not a nice guy, Mr Trump. "Welcoming" a man who believes in shooting first and asking no questions later, could surely be embarrassing for the leader of the free world. Yes, Mr Trump, that's you!

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