Monday 24 April 2017

State of flux

All my American friends and friends in UK and Europe are in a state of political flux. Basically, we don't know where the hell we are all going. There is so much turmoil going on that it is times like this when I almost wish I lived on a Pacific island for total peace and tranquility, and pina coladas on tap! But then I would miss out on all the dramas and, being a journalist, dramas have always been an important part of my life. If anyone hasn't yet read my memoir, First with the News, you'll see what I mean - a lifetime of dramas (order on Amazon Books!!). So here in the UK we're supposed to be having the most predictable election campaign for generations, with a landslide victory for Theresa May and the Conservatives, and a total embarrassing defeat for Jeremy Corbyn and Labour. But you can never, NEVER be sure these days. Voters everywhere are in rebellious mood. Here in UK we're moving towards exiting the EU, and Mrs May, despite her previous Remain standpoint, is leading the field to get a good deal for us all. But the Eurocrats are going to snub her every way she turns. Those of us who voted Remain are still aghast at the thought of leaving the EU. Most of us are horrified, too, at the prospect of having Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister. Ok, so the likelihood is very very small. But it cannot be ruled out. Corbyn wants to scrap the UK's Trident nuclear missile replacement programme, even though Labour supports it. But there are masses of people in this country who think having four ginormous submarines armed with ballistic missiles capable of destroying half a dozen cities all in one go makes no sense any more, especially since our armed services have been so emasculated there's not a lot we can do anywhere in the world. But does that mean they will vote for Corbyn? I doubt it. But you never know. Theresa May might still be in for a shock in June. Then there's the French elections with this small man called Macron ahead at the moment of the in-your-face Marine Le Pen. No one knows much about Macron, he came from nowhere offering a vision of a new France. Well, they all do that. But he sounds quite good. He loves the EU and all that stuff, so he and Merkel, provided she is reelected, will get on fine. Marine Le Pen and Merkel would be like two bears growling at each other. The best thing about Macron is his wife. She was his drama teacher and is 25 years older than him. Wow oh wow! She'll be a sensational First Lady a la France. The tabloids will gloat at every public kiss. Miss, Miss, Miss, the news photographers will all shout out when they spot her hahaha! But good on you, Macron, when you spot the lady of your dreams you go for her, even though you were only just past sweet sixteen! So we'll know in two weeks whether the EU gets another bashing, with Le Pen in charge, or whether the schoolboy love Macron is directing from the Elysee. If Le Pen wins, it will be a nightmare for Theresa, if she wins, a nightmare for Merkel, if she wins, but, apparently good news for Trump and Putin. For my American friends who voted for Hillary, every day is a potential nightmare. What is the man going to do next? Perhaps that Pacific island is a good idea after all.

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