Tuesday 25 April 2017

Hacking fake news

So when will the Russians start hacking the UK election, and when they do, who do they want to undermine? Relations between the two countries are so low right now that it probably doesn't matter who wins in the eyes of Moscow. But perhaps they might fancy helping Jeremy Corbyn. After all, the British Communist Party has told its members to vote for Corbyn which might have made old KGB Lieutenant-colonel Vlad Putin smile a bit. Putin certainly won't want Boris back in the Foreign Office and he must be a little wary of having a second Iron Lady in Downing Street. Theresa is Maggie with less backbone but could be tempted to go all the way to Maggie-style ironclad politics. So I reckon Moscow and its bunch of unofficial official hackers will start doing their dirty work against some of Theresa's cabinet. So watch out Boris and others. The Russian hackers known as Fancy Bear, APT28 (sounds like a Second World War gunboat) and Pawn Storm (or is it Porn Storm?) are probably at this moment targeting the sex lives, bank accounts and childhood misdemeanours of Tory grandees and lesser folk to give old Jeremy a nudge towards the Big Prize. GCHQ, the signals intelligence boys and girls down in Cheltenham are on 24-hour alert to spot the first hacking attempts. The Ruskies are already having a go across the water, trying to hack into would-be president Macron's closest aides. They've only got two weeks to do their worst, and I expect Macron will survive. I wonder what skeletons are in Le Pen's cupboard. We may never know if the Russians reserve their hacking attention to Macron. There's going to be a pile of fake news around about Le petit Macron. I have to end this blog with the most wonderfully appropriate name. It belongs to the guy who runs a security company called Trend Micro that has been looking into all the hacking techniques used by the Russians against Macron and others and spreading fake news. The gentleman is called....Feike Hacquebord!! Can you believe it?

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