Wednesday 28 December 2022

Covid China renews mass travelling, God help us

One just hopes that the UK government and every other government - bar China - are currently working out how to stop a flood of Chinese visitors with Covid arriving on their shores. All one can say is "Oh God here we go again". When the Covid virus was first born in Wuhan in China in 2019, Beijing allowed millions of Chinese abroad to come home to celebrate the New Year and then go back from whence they came to spread the disease around the world. It was a decision of gigantic irresponsibility and the rest of the world suffered. Now it's about to happen again. China has been suffering from a massive resurgence of Covid and the dominating President Xi Zinping shut most of the country down. But then he was scared into changing his mind after protests broke out in cities across the country. Despite increasing evidence of Covid rampaging through China, particularly among the elderly who had not been vaccinated (most of them, thanks to negligence by Beijing), Xi panicked and lifted the strict lockdown and then announced that the Chinese people could travel. They all rushed to airports to return for the New Year celebrations where no doubt they will pick up the virus and return to where they are living and working overseas to start another phase of the disease. Gigantic dose of irresponsibility by President Xi for a second time. But surely by now the rest of the world will have learnt its lesson and will impose huge restrictions on returning Chinese. Either a total travel ban for a set period or insistence on all returning Chinese to prove a negative Covid test and then a quarantine time of a week or more. Is this going to happen? The US is looking into it. What about the UK and Europe? I get no sense of urgency here. If we are going to have another pandemic outbreak, the economy and health of this country (UK) is going to go seriously backwards. Again. Please God I an wrong but right now it seems we are walking into another health disaster.

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