Friday 23 October 2020

Wind power kills birds, says Trump

I loved the Trump/Biden TV debate in Nashville, Tennessee. It was brilliantly moderated by NBC's Kristen Welker, a very smart presenter, and some of the lines were classic. None more so than when Trump and Biden started talking about alternative energy and the benefits or non-benefits of wind power. Biden said wind power was what would save America and the world and that those working on turbines etc were making good money. Trump responded by saying wind power was dangerous and would add to the carbon footprint and, wait for it, would kill birds. Wind power kills birds was Trump's message. It was a hilarious moment. I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm sure some poor birds do fly into the turbines and come to a grisly end. But as an argument against wind power it was right out of a comedy show. But it was great entertainment and because the debate was properly moderated it meant we actually got a good idea of what each man is really like. I have to say I thought Biden was absolutely not impressive. The one thing I found annoying was his constant refrain "come on" which he said every time he disagreed with Trump. Which was all the time. He also referred to middle-class people sitting around their kitchen tables worrying about the future and lying in bed at night and putting out their arms only to find an empty side of the bed because of a partner having died of the virus. Yuk! That was pure abominable politics. It fell flat in my view. But the debate was more grown-up and much better organised, thanks to Kristen Welker and the mute button at her disposal. It was the last debate between the two men with just 11 days to go before the election. I think wind power will be the decisive factor!! As Trump said, he knows more about wind than Biden.

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