Thursday 8 October 2020

Trump won't do virtual

It's not surprising that Donald Trump has poo-pooed the idea of going up against Joe Biden in a virtual debate with neither of them anywhere near each other and the moderator having the luxury of just switching him off when he or she sees fit. No way. That just ain't going to happen and Trumps says forget it. Actually having a virtual debate between the two would be pretty useless. Not that we want a repeat of the first slanging-match debate from Cleveland, Ohio. But at least we could see both men safely socially-distanced but on the same stage in the same city in the same country. A Zoom-style debate just wouldn't hold the drama, especially once the technical glitches start to unfold. Trump says he will hold a rally instead and Biden can chat to the nation from behind a plastic screen if he wants to. It's extraordinary how things can change so dramatically in such a short time. The newpapers are full of the new long-Covid disease that is affecting so many people, damaging their memory and equalibrium and heart rate. Yet here we have the president of the United States, after three days in hospital being stuffed with experimental drugs, literally raring to go back into the fight and feeling, so he says, very well indeed. And he wants every American suffering from Covid to get the same treatment he received, free of charge. Now there's a vote-winner I would have thought, provided people believe him. Has he really had the magic treatment that has rid his body of the virus? If so, then by all means let everyone else benefit. But meanwhile Trump wants to go campaigning like the pre-Covid days and to hell with the perspex and masks and virtual stuff. He's not a virtual president, right? As for the vice presidential debate, that really was a bit namby pamby. But then each participant, Mike Pence and Kamala Harris, had a strict script to stick to, never mind the questions from the poor moderator. By comparison with the Trump/Biden shouting affair it was positively dull. But that is the role of the vice president, whether actual or would-be. They are not in charge of anything and have to do as their boss commands. The only thing out of order in last night's debate was the outrageous insolence of the fly that landed on Pence's immaculate hair and stayed put for a couple of minutes. Any fly landing on Trump's head of hair would have suffocated in the golden sprayed locks, but Pence, being vice president, has hair that looks more like a trimmed carpet.

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