Saturday 31 October 2020

Boris goes into lockdown

Poor Boris. For days, weeks, he has ben saying the last thing he wanted to do was go into a second national lockdown. But he was like King Canute sitting on his throne as the sea water lapped ever closer. After France and Belgium went into overall lockdown and Germany announced lockdown-lite and Spain went into curfew don't-move hibernation, there was no way, even though we are an island, that we could escape the Europe second-wave virus crisis. So here we are. From Thursday it's back to stay-at-home life for a whole month. Will there be a normal family get-together at Christmas? No I'm afraid not. Not this year. This year has to be forgotten, cast into the darkness, for ever to be locked away in the archives. Next year, not straight away but surely by Spring, it will be different, it will be better. But in the meantime I feel so desperately sorry for the restaurant and bar owners who have worked like crazy loons to keep their places open while observing the social distancing guidelines and now it's back to square one. At some point the economy is not going to take the strain any longer, we are already so heavily in debt it will take years to recover and pay back all the interest. When is it all going to end? Boris gave a pretty steady performance, spelling out why he had no choice but to announce what he had hoped to avoid. It's a tough job but I doubt many people will disagree with his decision, apart from those who still believe the whole virus thing is a hoax and we are all being locked away by a dictatorial government for some purpose that they can't quite explain. As long as they wear masks and stay away from me I don't mind them ranting on if it makes them feel good. But reasonable, sensible people know that Boris is right.

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