Tuesday 25 February 2020

Trump has things to worry about: coronavirus damage to the economy and Russia

Donald Trump, now swanning around in India and hugging the Indian prime minister at every available opportunity, must have been thinking his reelection chances were looking pretty damned good, what with Bernie Sanders's scary revolutionary promises, Joe Biden's misery, Elizabeth Warren's never-wears-a-dress increasingly loud performances, Pete Buttigieg's youthful earnestness and Mike Bloomberg's, well, his Bloombergness (stinking rich and not a lot else going for him). But then along came coronavirus which could still bite him in the posterior if he's not careful. And then there are the pesky Russians, already it seems plotting to do malevolent things in the November presidential election to make sure Trump wins. Trump does NOT want anyone foreign helping him covertly or overtly to win reelection because if they did, he would probably lose! Trump from the Taj Mahal tweeted that he doesn't need anyone to help him win because he's going to win anyway. In other words: "Please, Vladimir, keep your spying hackers under lock and key, I don't want my supporters to think I can only win with Moscow's connivance, like in 2016 (ooops!)." If Putin was sensible, he should listen to Trump's plea from India. If he really wants his pal Donald to remain in the White House for the next four years - plus the eight and a half months left in his first term - he should keep his mouth shut. Trump will win without him and his cyber warfare maniacs. Unless of course Revolutionary Bernie who thinks Fidel Castro had his good points, and/or Coronavirus ruin his reelection party. The virus is probably the biggest potential spoiler. If it takes off in the US, Trump will be blamed for failing to take sufficient action. But much more important, the economy could go down the tubes as the world panics about a pandemic. The stock market is aleady going crazy with all the top-listed companies losing billions of dollars. It's not so much the virus itself that is destroying the world's confidence, it's the panic reaction that's sending stock markets falling into the mire. Trump is trying to stem the panic by claiming the US will be fine and that he has everything under control. But the virus is spreading in America, it has taken off in Italy and South Korea, it's very slowly building up in the UK and elsewhere in Europe and so many of China's cities are now in quarantine that the streets and shops are empty, despite President Xi Zinping's ominous order to everyone to get back to work. Trump needs a booming US economy to ensure he gets back in on November 3, and unless the virus seriously takes off in America or Putin does something stupid to undermine Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden or Mike Bloomberg, the guy now having fun in India should get reelected. But there are some buts, and Trump must be cursing those wild animal stall holders in Wuhan, capital of the Hubei province, who started the whole virus panic.

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