Tuesday 18 February 2020

Impeachment, what impeachment?

It's as if the impeachment of Donald Trump never really happened. All that drama and Democrat hopes of blasting Trump from office came to nothing and now it's difficut to remember what it was all about. Ok, Ukrainegate. But is that word going to feature big in everyone's mind as the presidential election campaigns become really serious? According to the latest poll, 86 per cent of Republican voters still support Trump which means that the vast majority of Repubicans couldn't care less about Ukrainegate and probably think, like the president, that it was all a political hit job. Of the 14 per cent of Republican voters who expressed dissatisfaction with Trump how many of them I wonder really want someone else from the party to take the job in the White House. There isn't another Republican candidate, so Trump will get the Republican nomination whatever happens. The Democrats on the other hand haven't a clue at this stage who is going to get the nomination. Bernie Sanders has suddenly gone way ahead of all of his rivals. The same poll says that Sanders has a 19 points lead ahead of the others in Nevada, where the next vote is due to take place. But Mike Bloomberg is still waiting for his chance to seize the limelight. When Nevada and South Carolina have been done and dusted, Bloomberg will come riding in on his white horse to contest the 14 states on Super Tuesday March 3, to present Sanders with more of a challenge than any of the other rivals, including of course Joe Biden, now on the slippery slope, and Elizabeth Warren, fast becoming an also ran. After Super Tuesday the real race could be reduced to just three players: Sanders, Bloomberg and Pete Buttigieg, with a long-shot gamble on Biden in case he makes a comeback. Drudge Report, not the most reliable political forecaster but always fun to read, has flagged up the possibility of Bloomberg choosing Hillary Clinton as his dream-ticket running mate. Oh dear, Bloomberg, if there is any truth in that gossipy piece, he should think long and hard about whether that is a vote-winning idea. I think not!

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