Friday 7 February 2020

Trump begins to take revenge for impeachment

Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Vindman did a very brave thing. He spoke the truth at the House impeachment inquiry and what he said as a member of the president's national security council did not paint his commander-in-chief in a good light. The skids were under his career from that moment onwards. But strangely it has taken until now for Vindman's future to be discussed in the White House. Vindman is OUT. He dared to be disloyal to the president, and now that Trump has been officially acquitted thanks to the votes of the majority Republican senators, every official who spoke their mind in public during the hearings is going t0 face a difficult future. Vindman was key because he turned up for the hearing in his full military uniform with medals attached and was given huge coverage in all the newspapers. He must have known then that by speaking out he would no longer be accepted as a member of the National Security Council. The Pentagon has been looking for a suitable job for him and his new posting is expected to be announced soon. Military attache to the US consulate in Ulan Bator perhaps!! I can't imagine Trump will agree to him having any role that deals with Ukraine, for which he is eminently qualified. Mark Esper, the US defence secretary, who has so far avoided saying or doing anything that might upset the president will no doubt find a job for Vindman that keeps him out of the public eye. Being a soldier, the Army chiefs will have the responsibility of placing Vindman in some role or other but I bet Esper gets involved too. Poor Vindman. He looked a proud man in his uniform but life must have been hell ever since he dared to contradict his president before the television cameras. The other man waiting for a vengeful Trump to strike him down as Mitt Romney, the only Republican senator to vote in favour of impeaching the president on the charge of abuse of power. He didn't warn Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader, before he cast his vote. McConnell admitted he had been taken by surprise. Romney voted with the Democrats because he felt he was duty bound to act according to his faith. He is a Mormon. Trump didn't like that. No, sir! What's impeachment got to do with faith, Trump effectively said. Well Romney has strong religious beliefs and realised he couldn't clear Trump of abuse of power if he wanted to remain loyal to his faith. Never mind being loyal to his president. Well good for him. But Romney is not going to have an easy life from no on. Not in Washington anyway. I can't imagine there will be any invitations to the White House. He will be cold-shouldered. Just like poor Colonel Vindman.

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