Friday 25 January 2019

The Queen says let's all be nice to each other

Such a rumpus has been caused by a little speech given by Her Majesty The Queen at the Sandringham Women's Institute. She basically called on everyone to be nice to each other and to respect each other's views. Well, you would have thought she had said, "Down with my government, down with Trump and go to hell Brexit!" She didn't say anything like that but all the know-all commentators have claimed the Queen seriously breached royal protocol - ie rules - by appealing for a compromise on Brexit so we can all get on with our nice lives. Some commentators, one in particular, said the Queen was wrong wrong wrong. For speaking out at all and for hinting that compromise on Brexit was the right thing to do. What poppycock!! The Queen, first of all, didn't mention Brexit. She may have been thinking Brexit in her mind and why not. But what she actually said was, "hey let's do it the old-fashioned way and be calm and gentle". The Queen is the most stabilising person in the whole of the United Kingdom, people like to hear her views. She is not supposed to get involved in politics, but she IS entitled to put across her views about life and how we should all behave. She has been Queen since 1952 and knows more about how British prime ministers go about their business than anyone in the universe. I personally would love to know everything she thinks about Brexit, to hell with royal protocol. But to accuse her of some sort of treason for hinting at her Brexit views is just rude and rubbish. Here is actually what she said: "As we look for new answers in the modern age, I for one prefer the tried and tested recipes like speaking well of each other and respecting different points of view; coming together to seek out the common ground; and never losing sight of the bigger picture. To me these approaches are timeless and I commend them to everyone." Well said, Queenie. OK she may have had Brexit in mind when she made the remarks. I bet she did because like everyone else in this country she must be fed up to the teeth with all the MPs and the Cabinet rowing against each other and not being sensible and getting Brexit sorted out with everyone involved. This is about the future of this country. Surely what the Queen said is what the head of state should say. She could have said "Stop bickering and get this fixed once and for all". But all she said was sometimes the old ways work best. I can't stand the pomposity of commentators who think they KNOW what the Queen was thinking. The only treason here is us lot interpreting what we think the Queen meant. I say, good for you Your Majesty and keep going. Perhaps you and only you can solve the Brexit problem for us all by just reminding the politicians to stop feuding and unselfishly do what's best for the nation and its future.

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