Tuesday 20 November 2018

Does anyone like or trust anyone in Washington?

The political atmosphere in Washington is so febrile, with investigations into this and that going on every day as the two parties line up for battles ahead, one can only say, thank God for Thanksgiving Day. At least there will be one day without abuse and insults and egomaniacs strutting their stuff. The Democrats want Ivanka Trump to be investigated for using her private emails for government business, they also want Matthew Whitaker, the new acting attorney general, to be investigated over his contacts with the White House, Trump wants everyone investigated, especially Hillary Clinton, Melania Trump insisted on the deputy national security adviser getting the sack for being rude to her officials, Trump denounces the military's tardiness in getting to Osama bin Laden - although actually it was the CIA, not the military, looking for the al-Qaeda leader, taking ten years to locate him - and so on and so on. It's almost as bad as being in London right now with Theresa May trying to face down all her enemies in the Great Brexit Drama. The only good bit of news is that under new White House media rules, Jim Acosta, now reinstalled as CNN's chief White House correspondent, won't be allowed to ask endless questions at press briefings, so as to allow other journalists to get a word in edgeways. The fact is that Washington - the political Washington - has probably not been so divided and divisive since the worst days of Richard Nixon. There is the feeling that no one likes or trusts each other. Trump claims to like Kirstjen Nielsen, the embattled Homeland Security Secretary, but wants her to be tougher on immigration, whatever that means. She now knows she probably has a matter of weeks to look very very tough or she will be fired. Meanwhile, bizarrely, the 5,800 troops sent to guard the US/Mexico border have been told they can all go home for Christmas. But I thought they were sent there for the arrival of the thousands of migrants approaching the border by foot. The troops will be home eating their Christmas dinners by the time the migrant pedestrians actually turn up. It's another example of topsy-turvy thinking but of course if the troops have all gone and the migrants start climbing fences and walls in huge numbers, there is only one person who is going to be blamed. Kirstjen Nielsen. So watch out, KN, your days are numbered. I wouldn't be surprised if she greets her sacking with huge relief. Trump claims there are queues of people wanting to work in the White House and that those who have left have done very well because they worked in the Trump White House. Well good luck to those in the queue, you'll need it.

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