Saturday 14 July 2018

Trump: "Where the Queen?

Donald Trump failed at his most important moment during his trip to Britain. He lost the Queen. One moment she was there alongside him and the next she was gone. Where the Queenie? Well she was right behind him, coming round to walk on the other side. He'd forgotten or wasn't listening at the time that when he walked alongside Her Majesty past the guards in their fine uniforms he was supposed to be one side and she the other. They sort of got mixed up. Trump looked bemused. Actually he looked rather bored. He didn't seem to care whether the Queen was on his right side or his left side, to hell with the protocol. So as a result it all looked highly comical. Except, of course, the Queen would not have been amused at all. She likes things to go just so, and Trump had screwed up. Heaven knows what he did with the cucumber sandwiches off the royal cake trolley. Anyway, once he had done his bit with the Queen who has been on her throne since 1952, he rushed off to Turnberry, Trump Turnberry where he could relax without any infernal British protocol. Four days of Trump is more than enough for anyone. He's exhausting. Theresa May I think held her cool pretty well as his hostess, despite his Sun interview in which he berated her Brexit policy but then made up with her in rather cringing fashion during the press conference at Chequers. He changes his mind and mood so often it's impossible to know what he is going to say next. Whenever he didn't like a question he just said fake news. It's an all-embracing Trump phrase for all circumstances. The BBC reported that Trump had condemned the interview in the Sun as fake news. But actually he didn't do any such thing. That was just lazy headline reporting by the BBC. But Trump wouldn't care. He would have been happy with the BBC report, never mind the fact that he had defamed the reputation of the Sun political editor who had taped every word the president had said. So, Mr President, good luck in Helsinki with Poot'n. Don't imagine you're going to have an easy time with this former KGB spy. He knows how to lie and deceive like every career KGB officer.

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