Tuesday 17 July 2018

Trump changes his tune...again

It has always been difficult to keep up with Donald J Trump. He says something outrageous one day, then starts to backtrack 24 hours later. Thus, his support for Putin against the wisdom of the whole US intelligence community caused such an uproar back home that once he had landed in Washington, he admitted, sort of, that his intelligence boys had perhaps got it right when they said Russia was involved in intervening in the presidential election. Actually, to be fair, he had admitted that a long time ago - last year - but from the millions of tweets and TV interviews and throwaway comments at rallies it's near impossible to remember what he said and when he said it. But all that was put to one side when Trump bellowed his support for Putin in Helsinki. Then again, that wasn't new either. He had met Putin twice before at the G20 summit etc and the Russian president had at that time denied being involved in any form of interference in the US elections. Trump, if I recall correctly, told reporters that he had no reason to doubt Putin because he was so sincere in denying Moscow's hand behind the hacking of emails. So, taking this all into account, Trump's statement in Helsinki was not new. But of course it was still outrageous, especially after he had promised to be tough with Putin and to demand to know what Russia had been up to in 2016. Basically, Trump does not want to accuse Putin of interference because he can't bear the thought that Moscow played any part in helping him to win the election. He wants the world to accept that he won fair and square because he was much much much more popular than Hillary Clinton. In fact he won because of a whole lot of reasons: Hillary was not a popular alternative, James Comey, then FBI director, made a public statement about her dodgy emailing as secretary of state at the worst possible moment AND Russia was plotting and planning to bring down Hillary and give Trump the White House. Sorry, Trump, but that's the truth. It's not fake news.

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