Sunday 15 July 2018

EU is a foe says Trump.

What a terrific passing shot from Donald J Trump as he prepares to leave the UK after four days. He descrbes the EU as a foe on trade. America's number one foe. Such wonderful timing as he is about to sit down with his friend Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Putin who wakes up every morning with new ideas on how to disrupt Europe and drive a wedge between the US and European allies. Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, not a man with a brilliant turn of phrase, was provoked into saying that "anyone" who regarded the EU as a foe was guilty of fake news. Ha! Good choice of word. What Trump should have said in his interview on CBS was, "The EU has been pretty tough on the US with regard to trade, so, because we're all friends, it's time to make things better so we can all benefit." Does that sound like anything Trump might ever say? Eh, no. Putin must be in a splendid mood. Trump's arriving in a bad mood over Europe, so all he has to do is flatter him, congratulate him, commiserate with him over his dreadful allies and invite him to the Kremlin. Trump will then come out tomorrow and say everything is terrific. I bet he won't say Russia is a foe of the United States.

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