Monday 16 July 2018

This time Trump has gone too far

Trump's siding with Putin and the Russian intelligence service against the US intelligence community is so shameful and disgraceful it is difficult to see how he can continue as the president of the United States. But this is Trump. This is pure Trump. Any other president would be up before Congress and facing impeachment. But not Trump. Tomorrow he will say something totally different, or will say it's fake news and he never said what he said. He has already put out a statement saying he thinks the US intelligence services are terrific. But basically it's all on the record, Trump said effectively he believed Putin over his intelligence chiefs, all of whom concluded, after examining all the evidence, that Moscow was behind a huge operation to interfere in the US presidential election. Putin denied having anything to do with the massive email hacking and Trump said he believed him. Putin must be laughing in his socks. What a player he is. He has conned the president of the United States. Robert Mueller who has just indicted 12 Russian intelligence agents for their alleged role in the hacking must be wonderng what the hell he is doing if everything he announces is just hurled into the dustbin by the president. Will this lead to Trump's impeachment, for being a traitor to the US? Of course not. Why? Because this is Trump, this is what he is like. He was voted in because people liked his outrageouness. Actually they love him for it. But his comments in Helsinki were still unforgiveably disloyal to his own country, the country that decided he was the right man to be the 45th president.

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