Monday 2 July 2018

North Korea is becoming more like Brexit

I have long stopped believing anyone about Brexit. Who is telling the real truth? What is the real truth? Is Brexit really Brexit or is it like a fairground merry-go-round with a mechanical failure, so it never stops. The guy in charge of our negotiations left a key confidential document on a train!!! What more can one say? The whole process is a total farce and not a single member of the Theresa May cabinet seems to care a hoot. All they want is to get rid of May and push to become the new leader. If ever we needed another Maggie Thatcher or Winnie Churchill it's now. For god's sake someone tell these people to put their country first before their personal ambitions. The same goes, although in a different context, with the North Korea issue. John Bolton, national security adviser, has actually said on television that the US plan is to totally denuclear and de-ballistic missile North Korea within a year. If that were to happen, even I would vote for Trump. But can Bolton be trusted? Could he ever be trusted? TWELVE MONTHS to turn North Korea into a non-nuclear state. How is it possible to believe that is going to happen? Even Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, predicted a longer timetable than that. So what is going on in the White House? Are the American people all being fooled so that Trump can look like a mighty magician to help the Republicans win more seats at the mid-term elections for Congress? Like Brexit politicians, can we believe anything that is ever said ever again? I now have two growing feelings that get bigger and bigger every day: Trump will win a second term and probably push for a change in the constitution to stay for a third term, and Jeremy Corbyn will become Britain's next prime minister. Whether that will mean we get a better Brexit deal than under a May government I haven't a clue.

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