Monday, 20 January 2025

President MAGA Trump is a reality once again

Trump has promised so many executive decisions on his first day that as soon as the Inauguration Ceremony is over. he's going to have to spend hours just signing his signature. Mass deportation of illegal immigrants is first on his list. I have no idea how you go about deporting millions of people. But if he really does push ahead rapidly with kicking so many people out of the country, there will be a dearth of low-paid workers across the country and that is likely to have a huge impact on the agricultural business, farming, retail and factories. That will then push up prices across the board as employers struggle to get their produce out to market. Someone will have told all this to Trump but did he listen? He has it in his head that there are all these criminal layabouts sucking the economy dry. But actually, apart from those who really have committed crimes and will have no sympathy from anyone, most of the immigrants have held down jobs, have been paid less than their American-citizen counterparts and have basically kept the economy moving in an upward direction. Does Trump have a plan for filling the gaps that will be left behind? Perhaps forcing people on sickness benefit to go back to work? Certainly, in the UK, the number of people, old and young, who are now on sickness benefit has rocketed and the Labour government hasn't a clue how to deal with them, let alone find the money to look after them. The US is probably the same, and I bet Trump will go after those who have been off work for months or years and have lost the appetite for or confidence in being employed. One way or another, deporting millions of immigrants ain't going to solve anything.

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