Thursday, 30 January 2025

Guantanamo rises again

Just when Guantanamo was beginning to fade into the background with only 15 prisoners, albeit alleged big-time al-Qaeda suspects, left to potter around the detention camps like ghosts, Donald Trump has given Gitmo new life. He wants to send 30,000 illegal criminal migrants to Guantanamo in Cuba to hold them there until they can be deported to their countries of origin. Of course they won't be mingling with the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, self-confessed orchestrator of 9/11. He and the rest of the long-time detainees are kept separate in a special prison whose exact location at Guantanamo is highly classified. No, the chosen 30,000 will be carted off to the other side of Guantanamo where the US has a naval port and airport. The plan is to build a huge holding area for these convicted migrants. It's going to cost a fortune but for Trump it means getting the migrants out of his hair and out of sight. They could be there for years because most of the countries of origin for these people won't want them back. So Trump will have to do what he did with Colombia and threaten huge tarriffs on any imports. Colombia had declined to take planeloads of migrants from the US. They soon changed their mind. There is going to be a lot more of that if 30,000 migrants are going to be housed at Guantanamo. I wonder if Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has been told.

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