Monday 20 May 2024

Trump has not ruled out havig a third term

Donald Trump is clearly imagining himself sitting back in the chair in the Oval Office because he has indicated he hasn't ruled out the possibility of him standing for a third term. Under the US constitution he can only serve for two terms but so confident is he that he will beat Joe Biden in November, he has begun to spell out how he might stick around for longer than four years, quoting the example of President Franklyn D Roosevelt who served for four terms. I doubt the US Supreme Court would go along with this ambition but it shows that Trump has a dream of dominatng American politics (and the world) until he is into his late eighties. Biden should raise this during the upcoming TV debates when he will no doubt be harangued by Trump for being too old. At present all the major polls are showing Trump ahead of Biden in the key states, so I have no doubt Trump looks in his shaving mirror each morning and puts on his best presidential look. And having served one lot of four years in the White House, another eight years might seem pretty reasonable and achievable. All of this will be elevated to another level if he is acquitted of business fraud in New York next week. The US and the world and the consitution await what might well become the new Trump presidential era.

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