Thursday, 7 February 2019

Who is Trump listening to on Isis?

Donald Trump has got it into his head that Isis in Syria is going to be finally annihilated by next week. I just wonder where he gets his information from: not from the CIA or other US intelligence agencies because they all seem to agree that Isis remains a threat in Syria and could resurge and reawaken if the US pulls out its 2,000 troops, most of whom are special operations soldiers and commandos; and not from the military because they know first hand that the remaining Isis fighters in eastern Syria still pose a deadly threat. Four Americans were killed recently in a suicide bomb explosion in Manbij, a place supposedly freed of Isis. So did Trump get his information after talking to someone like President Erdogan of Turkey, a man desperate to be allowed to let loose in north-eastern Syria without Americans troops in the way; or perhaps he misheard a report from Fox News. I cannot imagine anyone in the know telling Trump that it would be perfectly ok for him to boast that Isis will all be dead and buried in Syria next week. The man who probably knows more about what is actually happening in Syria is General Joseph Votel, commander of US Central Command which is in charge of the whole US-led operation in Syria. He said recently that Isis still had leaders, fighters, resources and the "profane ideology" which had kept them lethal ever since they were formed. General Votel reckons there are between 1,000 and 1,500 Isis fighters in the last mini-stronghold in the eastern province of Deir el-Zour, although a lot more have slipped away and are in hiding all over the eastern Syrian desert. Can all this lot be killed off by next week? There isn't a single US military commander who would dare predict this fanciful belief. So who told Trump he could say this? General Votel has already revealed the president didn't bother to consult him before he announced his shock decision to withdraw the US troops from Syria. He is the big chief of Central Command, yet there was no phone call from the White House to give him advance notice or to ask whether it was a good idea right now. So, again, I have to ask, who told Trump Isis was going to be finished in Syria by next week? I have no doubt that having announced it already, Trump will sometime next week declare that the anti-Isis campaign in Syria is now "Mission Accomplished". Now where have I heard that before?

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