Saturday, 16 February 2019

Mike Pence brings greetings from Donald Trump but no one is pleased!

Being vice president of the United States has rarely been a position of power in any form. Of course there is the one exception, one Dick Cheney. But Mike Pence, a man who looks sort of contented with life but without having any reason to be, turned up in Munich for the annual security conference that attracts A List politicians, spooks and military types. When he stood up to address the audience he declared that he brought greetings from the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump. There was total silence, not even a hint of warmth or noddings of heads, let alone cheers, applause or clappings. Oh dear, how embarrassing. Pence didn't seem to be too upset, perhaps he was expecting it and threw the greetings into the conference hall as if he was throwing down a gauntlet to all the VIPs present. The audience was unmoved. The very name Trump seems to be a conversation killer. A bit like Brexit is here in the United Kingdom. Pence is never going to be a great man. The public knows him as the chap in the same suit and tie always standing at the back behind the president, not exactly smiling but looking serenely content with his lot. Still, he does get to see all the sexy intelligence stuff and attends the early morning presidential briefing, so he knows a thing or too. But he never looks as if he knows anything interesting. Arriving at a conference full of big wigs from around the world, it could have been his moment to shine. But his opening remarks ruined that!

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