Monday, 18 February 2019

Senator lindsey Graham is a man to watch

I kinda like Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican chairnan of the Senate Judiciary Committee and great pal of the late and missed Senator John McCain. He seems to me to get angry about the right things most of the time. He supports Trump, and Trump seems to respect him, but if he disagrees with the president's policies he says so, like the decision to withdraw the 2,000 US troops frm Syria. He thought and thinks that was daft. He has firm opinions, as did John McCain of course, and what angers him at this moment is the extraordinary business about the plot or considered plot against Trump after he had fired James Comey as FBI director. It's extraordinary because despite desperate denials and clarifications it seems pretty clear that a group of officials at the Justice Department and FBI actually discussed (conspired?) getting rid of the president using the 25th Amendment. Now this is old news. When it first broke in The New York Times last year, the main focus was on the alleged role of Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general. He had discussed the possibility of wearing a wire when going to the White House, presumbaly to get something incriminating from the mouth of Donald Trump, such as, "Tell my Russian friends I've fired Comey." Well nothing hapened and Rosenstein amazingly survived in his job after tryng to downplay if not dismiss the whole story. Then along comes Andrew McCabe, former acting FBI director. He writes a memoir and then appears on CBS "60 Minutes" and talks openly about the Justice Department discussion about removing Trump from power. It is an astonishing situation. Lindsay Graham described it rather neatly as "beyond stunning". I agree. Whatever you think of Trump as president, you can't have the Justice Department and FBI plotting to get rid of him. It's the job of Congress to do that. Graham is now going to investigate the whole story and subpeona McCabe and Rosenstein and others involved. I think the American people have a right to know what the hell was going on.

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