Friday 15 February 2019

Is the border wall or Donald Trump a national emergency?

Declaring a national emergency if you don't get your way via normal political means is a bit like a dictator arresting thousands of people suspected of plotting his downfall. (A bit like President Erdogan of Turkey for example). Donald Trump, to give him his due, did try the political method but found it wanting. So wham bam up comes the national emergency edict. Trump is now going to face the toughest political and legal fight in his presidency. Everyone against The Wall will pursue the case through the courts and every federal judge in the land, especially ones residing near the Mexico border will be dying to put their pennyworth into the legal system on the one big question: has the president exceeded his powers under the constitution and, if so, can he be stopped? The interesting side issue is that the Pentagon turns out to have a stash of billions of dollars set aside for a whole range of refurbishment and renovation and upkeep programmes which is just sitting there untouched. In fact there's probably enough in the Pentagon construction/repairs kitty for Trump to snatch and build a wall along the complete 2,000 miles of the border. If Jim Mattis was still the defence secretary he would be shouting and screaming by now, telling the president the defence budget is sacrosanct and can't be raided for his pet project. But very cleverly, Trump forced Mattis to resign and replaced him with his deputy with a hinted promise that he might get the job permanently if he behaves himself. Pat Shanahan wouldn't dare tell Trump to go and jump in the lake, so no doubt, thinking he might get the top job for the next few years, he will order his subordinates in the military construction branch to do as their commander-in-chief tells them. Forget about that naval base that desperately needs doing up, forget about the married quarters that are falling apart and forget about the ancient hangers that are housing the brand new and shining F-35 joint strike fighters. "We're going to build a wall instead!" It's a dubious argument but according to Trump the troops he has spoken to all agreed with him that a border wall was more important than havng decent living quarters for military families. Really? I wonder how many Trump spoke to. Anyway there's a long period ahead of legal arguments and it will probably be the Trump-weighted judges on the Supreme Court who will make the final decision. Nancy Pelosi will fight tooth and manicured nail to obstruct Trump, but she should have realised he would do this and should have made some sort of compromise to keep the president happy. Why? Because whether you like the idea of spending billions of dollars on building a huge wall across the southern border or not, Trump DID promise to do it in his election campaign and by winning the presidency, he DDES have a people's mandate to build it. It's called democracy.

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