Sunday 30 June 2024

Replace Joe Biden? Forget it

The talk in Democratic circles in Washington is about two things: how to persuade Joe Biden to step down at the end off his four-year term and who to put in his place with less than five months to go before the election. All these discussions are pretty silly and certainly a waste of energy and time. Biden has already said that he intends to stick with it and has promised to do better the next time he debates with Trump, and there really really isn't anyone else who can take over his candidacy and beat Trump. Biden beat Trump the last time and believes fervently that he can do so again, despite the Milwaukee malarkey. If he was replaced by someone younger it might make the Democratic party feel more hopeful because, after all, Trump is not many years away from becoming 80. But the hopes would be foolish. Who, seriously, could come forward now and defeat Trump? Kamala Harris? I think not. Gavin Newsom, California governor? No, and no. I anticipate Trump woukld be quite happy for Biden to be dropped and replaced, in desperation, by Newsom or Harris or whoever because, despite his insults about Biden's age and faltering debate in Milwaukee last Thursday he knows the president is the most experienced rival he could possiby face - by far. He would be more than confident of seeing off Harris or Newsom. So the Democratic party must bite the bullet and stay loyal to Biden. He still could win on November 5.

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