Wednesday 5 June 2024

Five months to the US election!!

The US presidential election has been going on for so long that it seems like it will never end. But here we are, it's June 5, and there are exactly five months to go. Five long months no doubt. But we are sort of on the lastish stretch and still there is no way of knowing for sure who is going to win, Joe Biden or Donald Trump or someone totally different who comes out of the woodwork because one or other of the two main candidates drops out, suffers a health setback, goes to prison or whatever. It's that sort of election because both candidates arev moving towards being really pretty old and one of them is Donald Trump whose future is uncertain for all kinds of legal reasons. The two planned TV debates, the first one this month, will help some voters to think they have made up their minds but basically the November 5 winner is going to be chosen for a multitude of reasons, some of which have yet to be clarified, ie the sentence by Judge Merchan in the case of Defendant Trump. But in just five months the US and the rest of the world have the prospect of another four years of Old Joe or four new years of Trump. Judging by all the opinion polls, a lot of Americans are not sure whether they want either of these gentlemen in the White House, but realistically, it's going to be Biden versus Trump, and the doubting American voters will have to lump it. So, too, will the rest of the planet. Five months to go.

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