Monday 10 June 2024

Joe Biden will need to up his game to win the White House

Joe Biden certainly did his stuff at the 80th D-Day Normandy landings commemorations. He didn't leave early as the British prime minister did, but stayed to pay proper homage to those who died in the operation to liberate Europe from the Nazis. But now he has a real fight on his hands to prevent Donald Trump from winning the November election. The US economy is improving and more people are in work but it seems there is a general sense in the country that no one is better off than they were when Biden took over the White House in January 2021, except the super rich who carry on increasing their money stacks. Money in the pocket and job security are the two key issues always in a general election. But added to the feeling that things are not going so well under Biden are a whole list of challenges, domestic and foreign, which are not helping the president to win a second term, not least the continuing immigration crisis on the Mexican border, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and the rise and rise of China. Voters are wondering whether Biden is tough enough to deal with these challenges or whether Trump would be stronger and bolder. I suspect this question is going to be in the forefront of American voters' minds in November rather than whether a criminally convicted Trump should be allowed to stand for the presidency.

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