Wednesday 19 June 2024

Putin and his new love-in mate

Vladimir Putin doesn't have many friends around the globe but he can always rely on Kim Jong-un. Now they are officially Great Mates as Putin and Kim sign a new defence pact in Pyongyang. The two deserve each other. They come out of the same mould. If it wasn't for the fact that they are leaders of countries which have nuclear weapons and a hatred for anything western, especially American, we could laugh at the sight of them engaged in their own little charm offensive. Putin even gave Kim a fancy big armoured limousine as a gift. Kim of course has probably promised to give Putin all the artillery shells and ballistic missiles he needs to continue fighting the Kremlin's war in Ukraine. It's the sort of quid pro quo which is alarming western capitals and further destroying any hopes of peace in Ukraine. And to think that Donald Trump when he was president tried to be nice to Kim and shook his hand. It didn't come to anything and now the North Korean dictator is firmly in the Putin camp. I wonder whether this has upset Beijing in any way. Xi Zinping sees himself as Kim's best friend, and now Putin is rivalling for the North Korean leader's attentions.

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