Friday 28 June 2024

Biden croaks and Trump shouts

The contrast between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in their first TV debate could not have been more dramatic. Biden sounded so croaky he might as well have stayed at home. He faltered and fumbled and croaked while Trump bellowed and shouted and insulted. If I was a voter in America I would have decided then and there that neither candidate was right to be the incumbent in the White House for the next four years. But Biden did try to get the message across, albeit without any sign of vigour, that he had done a lot in his first four years and was ready to do another four. The US newspapers are now full of advisory commentaries and analyses giving reasons why Biden should step down and let a younger candidate step forward. Biden said he had a sore throat whch was why he sounded so fragile but in recent months that is exactly how he has sounded every time he got up to speak. People who work with him in the White House insist he is still totally on the ball and makes decisions in a proper and authoritative way. But politics is all about convincing the public and allies that you know what you are doing. And that TV performance is not going to convince any doubters that they should vote for Biden.

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