Friday 7 June 2024

Huge huge error of judgment by Rishi Sunak over D-Day

Not just Rishu Sunak but all of his advisers, presumably including David Cameron, the foreign secretary, were guilty of a monstrous error of judgment by letting the British prime minister leave the 80th D-Day landing commemorations early to attend a TV interview with ITV on Labour's tax proposals. What on earth happened? First of all, how could Downing Street have even contemplated arranging a TV interview for Sunak on the same day as the 80th D-Day event, and how, when they put it in the diary, did the prime minister not react by saying no no no, not on that day of all days. It was his duty to be there in Normandy until all the ceremonies had been completed. There shouldn't have been any question about it. Yet off he went to get to the ITV studios in time to do his bit about his claim that if Labour wins the election it will tax everyone another £2,000 a year. It's so mindboggling that it is difficult to see how anyone in his inner circle thought it would be a good idea, let alone for PR reasons, for the prime minister representing this country at a time of great historic importance should think it more fruitful to be sitting in a TV studio back in London rather than standing alongside his fellow international leaders in the final ceremony of the day. Sunak's apologies just don't cut it.

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