Friday 4 June 2021

UFOs - Unexplained Fanciful Objects

For the many people who believe that aliens have been flying spaceships around in our universe for ever the upcoming Pentagon report on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) as the US military prefers to call them, is going to be disappointing. No proof one way or the other of aliens in spacesuits flashing around in whizzy space machines. No evidence that the hundreds if not thousands of sightings of glowing blobs, cigar-shaped objects and things that can change direction at phenominal speeds have come from some other universe or undiscovered planet or whatever. There is absolutely no doubt that US military pilots and navigators have seen all kinds of unexplained things in front of them or flashing past or even hovering close up but not one witness to these weird incidents has ever said they spotted an alien waving from the cockpit. Perhaps they did wave but they were going too fast to notice. Anyway, the Pentagon report will record all the wonderful sightings but conclude that there is no evidence of anything non-terrestrial. All they will say, or indicate, is that none of the sightings had anything to do with classified top secret experiments being carried out by the Pentagon. Black programmes as they call them involving blue skies-thinking super new high-tech skunk works missiles or aircraft. This is basically what the Pentagon has been saying ever since the first UFO hit the skies. Donald Trump didn't help when he was asked about the credibility of UFOs and replied along the lines that he knew stuff that could never be told, implying there was a report on his desk which outlined what the aliens looked like, where they came from and whether they were of hostile intent. I think the Trump reply was so in character that his hint that perhaps the UFO stuff was actually much more interesting was just pure Trumpism and not based on any classified report. UFOs as a concept is great fun but surely if aliens have been flying around for such a long time why the hell haven't they landed by now and introduced themselves? It could be the Russians of course.

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