Friday 18 June 2021

Biden will be wary of meeting Kim Jong-un

Joe Biden seems to have won few if any plaudits for meeting Vladimir Putin so early on in his administration. So what chance has he of receiving any praise if he decides to do a Trump and invite Kim Jong-un to a summit. The North Korean leader has already announced that he is preparing his country for confrontation with the US. With so many problems around the world, it must be so galling for the new president to know that none of his predecessors got anywhere with Kim Jong-un or his late father or grandfather. It's one issue that is pretty well unsolvable. Kim has his nuclear bombs and he doesn't want to give them up. If he agrees to unilateral disarmament, he feels (as far as I can see) that he will lose all power and respect. So it's a non-runner. He will hang on to them because he has nothing else. He can't provide enough food for his people to eat but he has his stock of nuclear bombs and it's difficult to see him giving any concession to Biden. As a result, it may be that Biden will do what other presidents have done, apart from Trump, and that is to keep it all on the back burner and hope Kim can be contained without endangering the world. Poor Jake Sullivan, the super bright national security adviser, had quite a problem trying to impress on the media that the Biden/Putin summit in Geneva achieved a lot and dismissed critics who said all the prizes had gone to Putin. But can you imagine Jake Sullivan putting a spin on a Biden/Jong-un summit, if it were ever to happen? Trump had a go and got nowhere. Biden would be wise to keep any statements on North Korea quiet and non-hostile and leave contacts between the US and North Korea to diplmats and officials working out of the public and media eye.

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