Friday 11 June 2021

The Queen knows how to handle American presidents

A lot of people, especially of the younger generation, probably think of Love Actually when giving their view of American presidents visiting Britain. The president in the movie came across as pushy and disrespectful and got one in the eye when the British prime minister, Hugh Grant, told a joint press conference that Britain wouldn't stand for bullying from an ally and pronounced that Britain had greatness, giving as an example David Beckham's right foot - and left foot. Joe Biden is no bully and after a lifetime in politics and eight years as vice president he knows how to treat his fellow leaders and he will certainly know what to do and what not to do when he has tea with the Queen at Windsor Castle on Sunday. All of which made it somewhat surprising that he authorised a senior official in London to give a warning to Boris Johnson about Northern Ireland. American presidents have a thing about Northern Ireland and as many of them have had Irish roots somewhere in their family tree they believe they have a special (there's that word) right to interfere in Northern Ireland politics. Actually they have no right at all. It would be like the British prime minister going to Washington and warning the US president about human rights in Puerto Rico or the rights of polar bears in Alaska. Biden telling Boris what to do in Northern Ireland over the Brexit trade/border issue was out of order. Boris was sensible enough to say nothing and then to make sure after private chats with Biden that they both agreed on Northern Ireland and no more impolite words were spoken. As for the Queen, she has more experience than anyone on earth in dealing with visiting American presidents. Biden, like all of his predecessors, will temporarily forget that he is the most powerful man on the planet and will go all humble before her Majesty. That's the way it is.

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