Tuesday 8 June 2021

Don't come to the US, says Kamala in Guatemala

It's like telling children not to ask for ice creams while standing in front of a Mr Whippy van. With the great United States of America over the horizon, just beyond everyone's reach but so so tempting, Kamala Harris, vice president of the US of A, addressed the people of Guatemala and had just one message: "Don't go to the US." I'm a fan of the vice president and genuinely believe she will one day upgrade to president but a "don't go" message to people who are desperate to become American citizens and leave their poverty-struck, drugs-threatening, gangster-ruling lives ain't going to wash. They're going to have a go at climbing the wall whatever Kamala say. As I blogged yesterday, the immigration problem needs to be grasped with a strategically sensible and practical plan. Having Biden's deputy urging desperate people to stay at home doesn't sound like a plan to me. And she still hasn't visited the border itself to see what the challenge is. When she was asked in a TV intervew why she hadn't visited the US/Mexican border on the American side she seemed a little bemused why this was so important, and came up with the odd remark that she hadn't been to Europe either. Well she is leaving that honour to Joe Biden who will be spending a number of days in Europe soon without his deputy. Presumably she will be in charge back home. Hey, that will be your chance, Kamala, to slip into high-profile mode while the boss is away. If the White House flunkies let her that is.

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