Sunday 11 April 2021

White police officer versus black US army officer!

First, a simple story of everyday traffic control in the town of Windsor in Virginia, USA. A smart black 4x4 car gets pulled over by two traffic police officers for failing to display a rear registration plate. What should have happened: the two police officers should have spoken to the driver in a polite fashion and pointed out that there was no registration plate at the back. The driver would then have explained that he had a temporary number plate which could be seen lying on the rear shelf of the car. The driver would have explained the reason for this and informed the two offcers that he had it in hand to get a proper registration plate fitted within a few days and that it was on order. The police officers would then have said "Ok, sir, but actually your temporary plate is not very visible which was why we pulled you over, so I think while you are waiting for the proper plate to be fitted you should have a much better temporary plate so that you don't have to get pulled over again. Now you have a nice day, sir". What actually happened: The lead police officer, a big white bloke with a pistol in his right hand pointing at the driver orders him to get out of the car in a loud voice. The driver keeps both his hands visible by placing them on or close to the open window and asks why he has been stopped. The white police officer then shouts much more loudly at the driver and orders him again and again to get out of the car. The driver questions what he has done wrong and promptly gets pepper-sprayed in the face. Eventually after admitting he is scared to get out of the car for fear of what the police officer might do to him - the officer tells him he is right to be scared - he slowly climbs out with his hands visible at all times. He is then roughly grabbed and ordered to the ground where he is handcuffed and taken away to the police station where he is released without charge. The driver was a black US Army lieutenant in combat fatigues. He is now suing the police officer and his white fellow officer. Only one questions has to be asked. Had the driver been a white US Army lieutenant would he have received the same treatment?

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