Monday 19 April 2021

Michelle Obama and George W are mates

First of all I'm a huge fan of Michelle Obama. She's inspiring, fabulously articulate and intelligent and would make a brilliant president of the United States. But I hope she never stands because she deserves a life without facing extremist right-wing hatred and racism. My estimation of her has gone up a notch by reading today about her friendship with George W Bush. It somehow seems so unlikely but it's true. They like each other a lot, joke and laugh together and are good friends, mostly brought about by the fact that they are constantly sat next to each other at official functions, he as former president and she as former First Lady. They got chatting and as George W has admitted, she liked his sense of humour and that was good enough for him to like her back. I think it's brilliant. George W had his faults when president, big time, especially the decision to go to war in Iraq which has had negative consequences that have so far lasted 18 years. But he made a terrific speech after 9/11 and his axis of evil declaration - Iraq, Iran and North Korea - wasn't far wrong at the time and isn't far wrong today, although Iraq, without Saddam Hussein, has been taken off the list. What is refreshing about the friendship between George W and Michelle is that it shows two people from opposite sides of the politicaL spectrum can find common ground and enjoy each other's company and not worry or even think about the differences and how it might be seen by the general public. If only their friendship could be echoed throughout Congress and bring to an end the many brutal divisions between Republicans and Democrats. I know this is fantasy stuff but a bit more friendship and respect and appreciation and far less hostility and anger and bitterness in Congress could go a helluva long way towards uniting a country that has been riven with division and rivalry for too long.

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