Sunday 25 April 2021

India in desperate need of international help

India is setting global records every day for the number of Covid-19 infections. The statistics are truly shocking and the country with its population of neary 1.4 billion people is running out of oxygen supplies to save lives. People are dying by the thousand because they literally have no oxygen in their lungs to breathe. Both the US and Britain have offered assistance with equipment and personnel but India has made no call for international help. They are benefiting from the so-called Covax global vaccines fund. But clearly it's not enough to save India from further catastrophe. If there had been a massive earthquake killing tens of thousands and destroying vast numbers of buildings would not the world be rushing to help? It's difficult to see why the Indian government has not put out a global appeal for help. Except that it takes political courage and leadership to admit total failure and admit to other nations that it needs to be rescued. The Indian government made poor decisions over lockdown and failed to enforce proper social distancing rules. Many images from India over recent weeks have shown huge gatherings of people. Politics needs to be put to one side and the world should pour in help. Oxygen supplies being the key thing required and more vaccines. Both the US and Britain have large vaccine stocks, more than they need because of astute early ordering. But this is a pandemic and it's in everyone's interests for every country to be helped to eradicate this terrible disease. India must now be a priority for all of us. The daily reports from New Delhi are heartrending, and we know little of what is going on in other parts of this desperate country. As we here in the UK and also in the US are beginning to return to a sort of normality one can only feel guilt that in another part of the world - one with such close ties to this country - people are dying for lack of help, lack of oxygen and lack of vaccines.

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