Thursday 13 October 2022

Rebellion in the UK Conservative party

As each day goes by, the plottings emerging from within the Conservative party have become so hysterical that it will be a wonder if Liz Truss survives another week as prime minister. There has been nothing like this in the history of government in the UK. After one budget which, when announced, catapulted the value of the pound downwards, placed everyone's pensions at risk and sent the markets into panic, Truss appears on the verge of either being ousted as prime minister as well as her chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng or being forced to reverse everything that was announced to "make the economy grow". And if she is forced to drop her tax reductions scheme it will be so humiliating she will have to resign anyway. I suspect what will happen is that Kwarteng will make one more U-turn to calm the markets but try and hang on to the rest of the Truss economic proramme. That won't calm the Conservative MPs who are in rebellious mood and are talking of chucking her out and her chancellor and replacing them with Rishi Sunak, Truss's main rival for the job of prime mnister, and Penny Mordaunt who also tried to win the 10 Downing Street race. But can they really do that? Just throw her out and change the leader? Surely the right constitutional decision would be to hold a general election so the country can decide? But if that were to happen, the Conservatives would lose big time and they would all be confined to opposition status for the next decade. Truss and Kwarteng must be contemplating their future like never before. Whatever happens it's humiliating not just for them but for the reputation of the whole country in the eyes of the world.

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