Sunday 16 October 2022

Biden steps out of line to criticise Liz Truss

Did Joe Biden do one of his familiar gaffes by criticising Liz Truss's economic policy or did he think his pennyworth on the subject that is rocking the United Kingdom would help America's closest (or used to be ) ally? Well it clearly won't help Truss who is spending the weekend at her (not for long) prime ministerial residence, Chequers, talking no doubt very earnestly with her new chancellor Jeremy Hunt about basic mathematics, ie making stuff add up. To be fair to Biden the US economy is going along very nicely, but it was a bit smug of him and not very alliance-friendly to kick her when she is down. It was a fair old wallop from the president of the United States. He tried to explain that an economy as large as the UK's needed to be in step with America's for everyone's sake. Sensible but still a smack in the mouth for poor old Truss who now looks so hang-dog that you do worry about her mental state. She will do her best to stay as prime minister but to be told by Biden that what she and her ex-chancellor announced only a few weeks ago was "a mistake" should finally make her sit up and abandon the lot and start again. This is pretty much what Hunt will be telling her in no uncertain terms at Chequers. If Truss IS kicked out by her party, Biden will have played a role. Personally, I think he should have shut up and not answered the question he was asked on TV.

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