Thursday 3 March 2022

Nato is united but Putin doesn't seem to care

President Biden declared in his State of the Union address that Putin must have got a shock because rather than dividing the alliance with his invasion of Ukraine, it is now more united than ever. But united for what? Ok, alliance members are sending weapons to help Ukraine resist the Russian invaders and, as Biden said, are seeking out all the superyachts and fancy houses Putin's billionaire oligarch friends have around the world. But the war in Ukraine goes on relentlessly and more brutally as each day passes. I am sure the oligarch pals will be furious with Putin but they won't dare say so. The problem is that as the whole world, give or take a few countries, condemns this war, Putin is just not listening. He has retreated into a bubble of paranoia and won't even bother to take on board the impact he has had in destroying whatever reputation Russia had pre-invasion in the international community. He is advised by stoney-faced generals and spy chiefs who are suffering from the same paranoia. Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister, used to have a touch of charm and wit about him but no longer. He, too, has sunk into this abyss of hatred and revenge. Their paranoia poses a mighty danger to the whole world and right now I see no solution. Putin is never going to come to his senses even as the ruble loses all value because he wants Ukraine and he is determined to get it however many Russian troops and Ukrainian civilians and troops die in the process. There is a long war ahead.

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