Monday 31 May 2021

China's children crisis was so inevitable

When a government dictates how many children you can have that is surely an example of the worst kind of dictatorship, whether it be a communist or fascist regime involved. China for years had a one-child policy and now decades later Beijing must be ruing the day they came to that decision. Five years ago, worried at the latest figures of a dramatically falling birthrate, they changed the one-child-only edict to a two-child policy. But for a host of reasons, not least the fact that the longstanding policy of only allowing one child had created a small-family syndrome across the nation, plus the rising cost of living and perhaps also a reluctance among young couples to do what the Central Committee of the Communist Party decided was right for them. So there was no great rush for supplementing the only child with a sister or brother. Now Beijing has even more alarming demographic statistics and can see an economic nightmare appearing in the future because there simply won't be enough Chinese around to fill all the jobs and help China stride towards becoming an economic and military superpower to rival and eventually overtake the US. So now the latest brilliant idea from the committee and President Xi Zinping is to allow everyone to have THREE children. But if the two-child strategy didn't work, it's hardly likely that the three-child pronouncement is going to have much chance of success. It makes you wonder whether before long there will be an edict from the forever-leader Xi Zinping that all families MUST by law have three children. This will be the ultimate test of a communist dictatorship because if all Chinese couples are obliged by law to have three children, then Bejing security police will have to start knocking on doors late at night to make sure couples are engaging in the necessary activities that lead to conception. I can see it happening.

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