Saturday 29 May 2021

William Shakespeare is dead

It was certainly very upsetting news that the Great Bard has finally after all these centuries passed away. No more comedies, no more tragedies, no more sonnets. Like Queen Anne, William Shakespeare is dead. What was surprising was that when Argentinian TV news reader Noelia Novilla scooped the world by revealing the legendary playwright's death, she gave no quotes from his works. Nor, and I found this extraordinary, did she get any reaction from such important contemporaries as Christopher Marlowe, John Webster or Ben Jonson. Not a word from them. When you get a scoop like that a reporter should get all the famous people who knew him well to provide their personal eulogies. So the Great Bard died without due honour and respect. But we can now all expect a worldwide retrospective of Shakespeare's works. The Argentinian news reader did not explain why it was that Shakespeare appears to have written nothing since 1616. I guess we shall hear more in some future broadcast from this fine reporter. Meanwhile rest in peace William "Bill" Shakespeare, the world's first male receiver of the Pfizer coronavirus jab who died at the age of 81 of an illness unrelated to Covid.

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