Tuesday 25 May 2021

Dominic Cummings to reveal all. Who cares?

People with grudges and grievances are rarely worth listening to. Take Dominic Cummings, one-time right-hand man to Boris Johnson and the Svengali of 10 Downing Street until he was forced out. He is apparently intent on revenge and will give a full account of the way he thinks the Boris government has mishandled the Covid pandemic when he apears before a Commons committee tomorrow. I have no doubt he knows a lot and has emails and texts to prove it. But does anyone care anymore what Cummings thinks? Will it make any difference to the Boris government? I suspect he will sound like a grumpy old man and while he will make headlines for 24 hours, Boris and co will put their own spin on it and it will die a death. The fact is that Cummings may have been pretty clever in masterminding the Brexit campaign for Boris and appeared to be very much in charge of 10 Downing Street when he was the master adviser, but he's no superstar. He looks and dresses more barrow boy than glamour boy, and I doubt he is popular with the vast majority of people in this country whatever political persuasion they might be. Ministers, cabinet and junior ones, behaved as if they were scared of him and that's no way to run a government. There will be curiosity but little sympathy for him when he makes his appearance before the Commons committee tomorrow. One thing no one will ever forget is his breach of lockdown rules in the early days of the pandemic when he drove off to his parents in Durham and then made a special trip to the local Barnard Castle "to test his eyesight" before returning to London because he was worried about his vision. For most of us, he lost it from that moment and whatever he says tomorrow he's not going to upset, let alone, unseat Boris who, provided the vaccination programme continues apace and freedom for all returns on June 21, will run and run and run. But Cummings is determined to have his moment and will come up with all kind of incompetences by Boris which I think we knew already. Cummings is yesterday's man. And should remain so.

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