Sunday 16 May 2021

More than ever the Palestinians need their own state and life

The daily rocket fire and airstrikes between Israel and Gaza emphasis above all the desperate need for the Palestinians to have their own state and to be given worldwide help to create a new future and give them a proper life. The omens, however, are appallingly bad. Geographically, politically and strategically there is as much chance of a breakthrough in the relationship between Palestinians and Israelis as there is in solving the growing adverse relations between the US and China. The resurge of violence, started by Hamas in Gaza after a barrage of rocket fire into Israel demonstrated not only the suicidal tendencies of the militant Islamic organisation - their leaders knew Israel would retaliate - but also their blindfold hatred of their neighbours. Why did they launch their attack when, if they had considered the consequences they would have concluded that strikes against Israel at this time would probably help to keep Benjamin Netanyahu in power. Politically Netanyahu will benefit most from the latest confrontation because an Israeli leader shown to be tough in protecting Israel's citizens will always win support. But if Netanyahu does eventually manage to form a coalition government will he be in the mood to have another historic attempt to resolve finally the Israel/Palestine question? I very much fear not. When Joe Biden phoned him last week to deliver the ritual US presidential message - "We support you all the way in your right to defend yourselves but please use restraint" - Netanyahu's response would have been as tough as usual - "Yes Mr President we have the right to defend ourselves and will continue to do so until the rocket fire stops". Netanyahu is never going to back down while Hamas rules the Gaza Strip. Any thoughts of peaceful solutions will have been abandoned. And in any event there can be no such thing as a peaceful and stable agreement while the committed enemies of Israel reside across their borders. In this the 21st century, nevertheless, the Palestinian issue should be addressed more seriously than ever. Is Biden prepared to pull out all the stops and try and achieve what all his predecessors have failed to achieve? Bill Clinton got the closest. I suspect with so much on his plate back home and his worries about China and North korea, Biden will hand it all over to some worthy envoy and just hope it goes away.

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