Monday 23 November 2020

Trump still rules the Republican party

It's quite extraordinary the hold Donald Trump has over the Republican party despite losing the election. He remains a dominating force. So much so that Republican governors and the grandees of the party - most of them - haven't dared to speak out about Trump refusing to concede to Joe Biden. Every day that passes it gets more and more embarrassing as the man in the White House hunkers down and continues to claim that he won the election and that Biden's victory was false, rigged or just not fair. Some Republicans have spoken out. Chris Christie, former governor of New Jersey, was the latest. Others have talked about the importance of a peaceful and smooth transition without actually saying it was high time the president stopped acting like he deserved to be president for ever. Why is this? Simple. Most of them are scared stiff of him and his huge - more than 70 million - supporters who wanted him to have a second term. If they voted, as they did, for Trump, and their Republican governors and senators go around saying Trump should get on with conceding defeat, these voters are going to think twice about voting them back in when their election comes up. So to avoid voters' revenge, they are keeping hush hush quiet which means that Trump will just carry on denying reality and relying on his millions of supporters to back him up. This is going to go on until January 19 2021. Do none of these Republican voters realise how unconstitutional and undemocratic this all is? At some point Republican governors, senators, House representatives, mayors, sheriffs and all must come out into the open and shout, "Thank you Mr President but kindly give it a rest. Biden won." So far, very few of them have had the guts to say it.

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