Monday 9 November 2020

Everything Trump espoused will be overturned

SEVENTY-ONE DAYS TO GO Joe Biden can't be accused of being sleepy, even by Donald Trump. He is still 71 days away from taking over from Trump but already he and his officials have outlined a progressive programme from day one of his presidency. Right at the top - after tackling the coronavirus pandemic with a federal mask-wearing edict - will be climate change. After four years of a president refusing to believe the reality of the climate changing fast around the world, we will now have exactly the opposite, a president who trusts the scientists and will act accordingly. Rejoin the Paris agreement will be Biden's first move. Then there's the Iran nuclear deal fixed under Barack Obama. I assume the US will rejoin that too, although that nice chap the supreme ayatollah in Tehran welcomed Biden's victory like he had a bad smell under his nose. So we'll have to see whether Iran plays ball with a Biden America. I somehow doubt Biden will rush into lifting economic sanctions aganst Iran. Then there's America's exit from the International Nuclear Forces Treaty and the proposed extension to the New Start nuclear treaty and will Biden revive America's participation in the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty? The US withdrew from it in 2002 under George W Bush. And what about the millions of dollars already spent on beginning the Trump Wall across the Mexican border? Will work just halt, leaving what was built as a white elephant on the border? So many decisions to be made. I hardly dare mention Guantanamo. Obama tried and failed to close it. Will Biden have a go? If he is going to be pressured from day one by the most progressive wing of the Democratic Party to introduce far-left policies, Guantanamo will surely be on their to-do list? Trump was quite happy for the Guantanamo detention camp to stay open for business and there was even talk about sending more terrorist suspects there but it never happened. Guantanamo is a forgotten boil on the face of the United States. There are just 40 detainees there today, costing American taxpayers a fortune in security and protection bills. They should be brought to the US for trial. Congress will have to be persuaded. The military commission system for Guantanamo detainees has patently not worked. I suspect however it will be way down Biden's priority list. Trump did his best to overturn everything Obama did in his eight years. Now it's Biden's turn to do the same to Trump. That's politics for you. At least Trump only had four years!

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