Sunday 8 November 2020

Biden's surprisingly slam-dunk victory

SEVENTY-TWO DAYS TO GO As the Donald Trump four-year era counts down to zero, it has to be said that after all the predictions of a very close race (including by me), Joe Biden has accomplished a significant victory, winning both the popular vote by an historic amount and by a very satisfactory margin, the electoral college vote. In fact such an impressive win that even if Trump lawyers manage to squeeze back a few votes to their man it will still make no difference to the outcome. The outcome - and this is for Trump and his sons - is NOT going to change. We now have a president-elect and everyone in the world bar Vladimir Putin, Xi Zinping, Kim Jong-un, the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the increasingly awful Turkish president, have come out and congratulated Biden for his victory over Trump. Even another terrible leader, Nicolas Maduro, the alleged Venezuelan president, has commented about Biden and his willingness to work with the United States. Ha! The out-of-step leaders of Russia, China, North Korea, Mexico and Turkey are biding their time but it won't be long before they, too, will have to agree that Trump is on the way out. See above. By all accounts Trump is listening to no one and remains determined to fight Biden and the Democrats in the courts, thus making sure that his legacy will be shrouded in legal bluster and shameful accusations of a fake election. Who will dare speak to him and tell him to behave himself and do the right thing? None of his staff, clearly. Mark Meadows, his chief of staff, has tested positive with coronavirus and is out of it, Mike Pompeo could tell him but pobably won't. After all he has to live with him as his secretary of state until January 19. See above! The only person he might listen to is his daughter Ivanka. But she will feel sorry for her Daddy and won't want to be too harsh. His sons won't do it because they are hellbent on going to the courts to fight for their right to stay as the White House family. So maybe in the end it will be that long-suffering wife, First Lady Melania Trump who is apparently looking forward to a new life away from her husband once they leave the White House. Perhaps she might turn to the defeated presidential husband and say: "Oh for the goodness sake, Donald, stop being the child and act like a growed-up. I'm outa here."

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