Friday 28 July 2017

White House finger-pointing

There will be no whitewash in the White House. Perhaps one of the most famous statements from the Oval Office in modern times. President Richard Nixon promising to be transparent over the Watergate burglary. Bill Clinton's denial of having sex with the White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, was another memorable moment. The Nixon affair led to his resignation. The Clinton affair led to a failed attempt at impeachment. Now what will Trump's fate be? What will be his most famous statement? Right now his White House looks and sounds like a school playground, with everyone shouting at each other, no one trusting each other, new people coming in swinging accusations around, no one taking charge. It's ripe for disaster. No wonder every American living hundreds or thousands of miles away from Washington thinks DC is a swamp full of hippos flopping around and getting muddier and muddier. The latest fun and games emerged almost as soon as Anthony Scarymucci arrived as the new director of communications. He started pointing fingers at White House leakers, especially the Disney man, Reince Priebus, the chief of staff (I nicknamed Priebus Disney in a previous blog because the name sounds like something out of a Disney film). And doing it in public, in interviews. Just who does he think he is? Does he think he's the president? This man is a goofball, all slick and smart and fancies himself. He's the director of communications,for heaven's sake, not the director of the FBI. Well we know what happens to directors of the FBI in the Trump administration. They get fired. So it won't be long before Scaramucci gets shown the door. Why on earth did Trump appoint him in the first place? He has no experience in public relations, he's a hedge fund guy. Why did Trump think that makes him a perfect candidate to run White House communications? No wonder Sean Spicer resigned. Now we know for sure, he couldn't stand the sight of Scarymucci. And for good reason. But out of curiosity, why did Scarymucci accuse Disney Priebus of leaking stuff from the White House? There is no question that someone is leaking highly embarrassing material to the newspapers. The New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal are full of the wonderful White House tittle tattle. But could it really be the chief of staff himself? If Scaramucci is right and Disney confesses or is found out, he HAS to go. No president can survive with one of his most important appointments betraying him. But what evidence does Scarymucci have? Or is he, at his new master's behest, deliberately stirring the waters because Trump wants Disney out but doesn't have the balls to do it himself. A bit like his attacks on Jeff Sessions. If Trump wants the attorney general to go, he should fire him, never mind the consequences. But instead he keeps on insinuating via poisonous tweets that Sessions is a dead duck walking. What a way to run a government.

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