Saturday, 15 February 2025

What is Trump going to offer Zelensky for the Ukraine war to end?

President Trump has said he wants more than anything to leave the White House at the end of his term with a reputation as a peacemaker and unifier. On that basis, and on that basis alone, what is he going to offer Zelensky and the Ukrainian people to make sure they feel that all the blood, sweat and toil in their defence against the invasion troops sent by Vladimir Putin nearly three years ago was worth it? In other words, if the war is brought to an end and the killings stop, what will be the benefit to Ukraine other than the survival of those who have not been targeted by Russian aircraft and long-range missiles? For Trump to emerge from negotiations with Putin as a peacemaker and saviour, he will have to give the Ukrainians something back: some of the territory currently occupied by Russian troops, a massive reconstruction effort and. above all, solid security guarantees for the future to ensure that Putin can never again feel tempted to attack Ukraine. So far, all we have heard is that Trump wants a slice of Ukraine's rich minerals, not t to help with Ukraine's economy but as recompense for the all the billions of dollars US taxpayers have paid out to sustain the country under Russian bombardment. Where are the incentives for Zelensky to sign a peace deal? What promises are going to be made to the Ukrainian people? None of these questions have been answered yet. The answers can only come from Trump if he really wants his legacy to show that he was a genuine peacemaker.

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