Friday 25 August 2023

The Trump cavalcade after his jail appearance says it all

Donald Trump may be facing four separate indictments and could potentially end up in prison before the presidential election next year but my God does he still have all the razzmatazz that goes with being a former president. When he left Fulton county jail in Georgia his cavalcade was massive. So many hefty-looking vehicles to protect the 45th president you would have thought he was some sort of Big Cheese. Well he is a Big Cheese still despite all the criminal charges against him. Wherever he goes he is a huge presence. This is what his so-called Republican rivals have to put up with, and Joe Biden too. As for the police mugshot it will now become the must-have image for every T-shirt-selling shop. Someone will make a fortune. It is the most phenominal contradiction. Normally when people are charged with serious criminal offences they try and hide from photographers and scurry out the back door, often with a coat over their heads. Not Trump. He loves the publicity, never mind that he might end up in prison. He will sweep from state to state in his convoy of armoured vehicles and Secret Service escorts and will hammer all his rivals into the ground. He is truly a phenomenon and it's really really scary that he could become president again.

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